London Calling: My First Quirk’s Event Adventure as Gen Z

London in May sounds great, especially when you have the chance to attend the vibrant Quirk’s Media Event. Personally, this event has been one of the greatest opportunities in my career as a young salesperson who joined the market research industry five months ago. This two-day event gathers client-side researchers and their vendor partners to exchange ideas and network on all aspects of market research. Yes, I immersed myself among industry leaders and, to be honest, I have a lot of key points and ideas to share with you.

Setting the Stage

Preparation, preparation, and more preparation. Should I have a written elevator pitch and learn it by heart? I’m not going to say no, but personally, I found that it’s not necessary (it may even be a ‘red flag’), especially because the communication flow will always be different and spontaneous. Being prepared in terms of knowing about the business and the event you are going to, and doing research about exhibitors and participants, will indeed be your strength.

For instance, I made a list of potential exhibitors I wanted to visit and connect with – some of them are existing clients of ours but greeting them still helps maintain a positive relationship in your business.

Fun note: At the very least, you can see their promotional material and grab additional notes, pencils, bottles, candy, and more. You could even have a full photoshoot, just like we did at the Fieldwork, Inc booth with Sarah Kotva. Isn’t the picture slaying it?